Lesson 7 by Alexander James Goldsmith of Aspen, Colorado

Alexander James Goldsmith of Aspen, Colorado watches NBA basketball and thinks it’s clear that these highly paid babies have no idea what success is.  They think it’s getting a big contract.  They hear the crowd roar when they hit a basket and they think that’s success.  The next day, this multi-millionaire might pout and score only 3 points.

So, feeling full of themselves like they are some kind of gods, they yell at the coaches and they don’t listen.  They yell at the referees.  Fight with the fans if someone says something they don’t like.

They should all watch Michael Jordan highlight footage if they want to see what success is.  Day after day, year after year, he performed at a level no one else could have demanded of anyone.  He held himself to a higher standard.

His definition of success was related to “what I need to do right now”-not about what he had done in the past.

Have you ever lost weight because an event was coming up and then put it right back on afterwards… for say, a wedding?  Perhaps even your own?  Alexander James Goldsmith of Aspen, Colorado knows many people who have.

Why?  For pictures?

Don’t you realize that everyone who sees you after that event is going to see your stomach hanging out – today?

Maybe you should just have those pictures of the “thin you” blown up and paste them to the front and back of you so you can remind everyone what you “used” to look like.


— In the NFL or college, does anyone remember who has the rushing record for a game?  Most remember Walter Payton for a career, though.

— How about the most home runs in a Major League game?

No?  Hank Aaron quickly comes to mind for most, when talking about the lifetime record.

— Most hits in a game?  Me neither.  But Pete Rose is who most remember as the all-time hitting champ.

— What about how good-looking you were 20, 30, 50 lbs. ago?

It’s hard to even remember your “glory days” when today is a mess isn’t it?  It kind of makes you laugh when someone tells you that life is too short, doesn’t it?  You can’t even remember the “good old days” very clearly, can you?

They lose their impact over time.

Long term success isn’t measured that way, is it?  Anyone can succeed for a day or even a month.  But ultimately, it’s who you ARE that decides whether you’ll suck it up today and make the right choices or whether you’ll “put off” the right choices.

You can’t reach success unless you can define it.

Alexander James Goldsmith of Aspen, Colorado likes Earl Nightingale’s definition because it asks you to reach inside and give your love today, your energy today, your best today.  It asks you to put forth effort today and tomorrow.  Yet it lets you feel joy NOW, not at some time in the future.

Stop putting off being happy.  Decide.  Isn’t life a bit too short to be crying over your lost opportunities and mistakes?

Just say yes.  Do something important now, follow through and finish it.  Do it now.  That’s it.  Get up, and…

Keep a smile on your face while you’re doing it.  You just MIGHT start to enjoy yourself.


Today’s Empowering Beliefs To Help Control Your Thoughts


If you want to change your life fast, even though it might seem like it’s slow, then take the statements below, put them on index cards and read them 3 times/day. Morning, noon and just before you close your eyes at night.

They’ll seep into your consciousness. And since you’ll be saying them so often, you’ll soon begin to believe them.

That’s how most beliefs start. Spaced repetition of thought.

Your attitudes will then positively change your emotions, and you’ll be compelled to do more… And you’ll love it.  I know Alexander James Goldsmith of Aspen, Colorado does.


— I am successful

— Success and I are one

— My road to success is progressive and worthwhile

— Today is my day to win


Lesson 6 by Alexander James Goldsmith of Aspen, Colorado

A couple days ago, I called a friend at work.  One of her co-workers answered the phone.  Now, I like to clown around…a lot.

Do you remember those guys who did the Budweiser commercials that asked each other, “Wazzuuup?”  Well, remember the other Bud commercial with the “uncool” guys who ask, “What are you doing?” in the nerdiest way possible?

Well, the woman who picked up the phone, I’ve only met once for about 5 minutes.  After she said hello, I didn’t identify myself at all.  I just said, “What are you DOING?!” in the uncool way.  She said, “Who is this?” Again I asked, “What are YOU doing?!”

All I heard was hysterical laughing and another woman in the background saying, “Is that Alexander James Goldsmith of Aspen, Colorado?”

Later, my friend told me that my “victim” was talking about it throughout the day… about how funny it was.

Now, I know it was only silliness, even mindless.  But don’t we all need a little of that in our days?  Oh, a lot?  Alexander James Goldsmith of Aspen, Colorado is for that.

Hey, like it or not, we are all ‘state’ inducers.

Whenever we have an interaction with someone, even if it’s just a hello, we leave them with a definite feeling.

What do you think people feel about us when we’re walking around with a sour puss on?

No one wants to be around that.

Do you?

Do you go out and search for the complainers?  If you do, notice the topic of your typical conversations.  Are they usually centered on what’s wrong, who said what rotten thing, what someone had the gall to ask you to do?  In short, whining sessions?

Look, you are what you think.  You get back what you put out.  If you put out cheerfulness, then that’s how people will treat you back.  Alexander Goldsmith of Aspen, Colorado always attempts to put out cheerfulness.

Did you ever hear the centuries-old story about the old man who sat next to the road and greeted people who entered and exited just outside his small village?

When travelers came in, often they would ask what kind of people were in the town.  The man responded by asking them what the people were like in the town they just left.  If the traveler said the people were terrific, the man told them that he’d find the people in this town were much the same.

If the traveler said the other town had horrible people in it, the man said that they’d find the people here much the same.

It kind of goes right along with another Your Day To Win that talked about running from your problems.  The thing is, you bring yourself with you wherever you go.  And since you are what you think, the only way for you to escape your problems is to change your attitudes.

If you understand that you induce states of mind in the people that you meet all day, it brings it right to the front of your consciousness, doesn’t it?  People respond to you whether you like it or not.

To Alexander James Goldsmith of Aspen, Colorado way of thinking, it’s better to bring a smile than a frown or pity or disdain.  Better than nothing either.

What the heck!  It doesn’t cost anything at all.

Just one person a day that you make smile will do something amazing for them and…

…inside of you.

Try this easy exercise.  I think you’ll find it shocking.

Smile for 60 seconds straight.  Just sit there and smile.

Don’t do anything else.  Take the next minute.  C’mon, you have another minute!  Just sit and smile for one minute.

I’ll wait…

Isn’t it amazing?!

Don’t you immediately sense an actual physical feeling inside you the very second you start to smile?  You did, huh?  Another thing you’ll notice is, you can’t do this exercise without getting all kinds of great pictures in your head, remembering fun times, etc.

The physiology of this is quite extraordinary.  It’s wired into us.  When we smile, we are literally programmed to feel good.

If you thought that you had to first feel great to smile, you couldn’t be more mistaken.  Smile first and you’ll feel great.

It’s impossible to feel down when we are smiling.  If you’re still doubting it, try it.  Just try to get into a rotten mood with a big dumb silly grin on your face.

You literally can’t do it.

Now imagine what you’ll be doing for other people if you make it your mission to make at least one person smile per day.  The feelings that you’re feeling right now as you’re sitting there grinning is exactly what you’ll be doing for everyone that you make smile…

It’s kind of nice to think that you can do that for people any time you want, isn’t it?

And another question… what will those people think of you?

If you’re up to the assignment, go make ’em smile!

Do it everyday and your life will change.


Today’s Empowering Beliefs To

Help Control Your Thoughts


If you want to change your life fast, even though it might seem like it’s slow, then take the statements below, put them on index cards and read them 3 times/day. Morning, noon and just before you close your eyes at night.

They’ll seep into your consciousness. And since you’ll be saying them so often, you’ll soon begin to believe them.

That’s how most beliefs start. Spaced repetition of thought.

Your attitudes will then positively change your emotions, and you’ll be compelled to do more… And you’ll love it.


— I induce positive happy states in the people I meet

— I’ve released all frustration and anxiety from my mind

— I enjoy making people smile and laugh

— I forget problems when I’m smiling and I smile a lot

— I have a sunny disposition


Lesson 5 by Alexander James Goldsmith, of Aspen, Colorado

You have things that you’ve been putting off, don’t you?  Alexander James Goldsmith of Aspen certainly does.

Is there a secret that keeps it from happening?  I’ve heard a rather idiotic suggestion of putting off putting it off.  But somehow I don’t think that’ll work for most.

Procrastination is a habit.  Alexander James Goldsmith of Aspen will be the first one to tell you that he procrastinates a lot.

…But in my opinion, there is a right way and a wrong way to do it.  OK, I’ll tell you the right way.

I put off unimportant things.  Now I don’t consider obligations to other people that are counting on you to be unimportant.  THAT’S important.  Cleaning up after yourself is important.  Cleaning the garage can wait.  That’s just my opinion, you see.

In the years since I “woke up,” I’ve seen co-workers, bosses, employees and vendors’ employees take short cuts, not do things they said they were going to do, put important things off — and it affects other people dramatically.

Their reputation gets ruined.  No one trusts them any more. And even worse, their lives will be mere shells of what they could be…

…Because putting important things off is a habit.  A rotten, stinking, dirty, selfish and self-sabotaging habit.

What?  You think it’s alright to commit to someone that you’ll do something and then blow them off?  Five-year-olds do that.  Not responsible adults.

And not you… not if you have any desire to have a happy productive life.

Alexander James Goldsmith of Aspen learned years ago that all I had to do most times was just show up with my game face on and I’d win.  When I was selling one to one every day, I made sure that the most important things got done and worked on my to do list in order of importance, not in order of how much fun the tasks were.  And I earned at least double and often ten times what my stunned co-workers and competitors earned.

That’s what I mean by there’s a right way to procrastinate.  Don’t put too much on your plate.  If you don’t, when someone gets on your case about not doing such and such a thing, you can truly say you were too busy.

After all, you have to have SOME free time, right?

Is this hard?

Not if you look at the benefits of doing the most important thing, instead of the things you’re “missing out”on.

What’s more important to you – what you GET right now, or what you BECOME in your life?

Want to make breaking this stinking, insidious habit easy?


Then take the statements below, put them on index cards and read them three times per day.  Morning, noon and just before you close your eyes at night.

When you actually believe them, you’ll act upon them and you’ll have given yourself choices in life that few will ever have.

Today’s Empowering Beliefs To Help Control Your Thoughts

If you want to change your life fast, even though it might seem like it’s slow, then take the statements below, put them on index cards and read them 3 times/day. Morning, noon and just before you close your eyes at night.

They’ll seep into your consciousness. And since you’ll be saying them so often, you’ll soon begin to believe them.

That’s how most beliefs start. Spaced repetition of thought.

Your attitudes will then positively change your emotions, and you’ll be compelled to do more… And you’ll love it.

— I love doing the most productive thing possible at

every given moment

— I have plenty of time to do the things I want to do

— I get everything done on time

— I see time as a precious gift and I use it well




Lesson 4 by Alex Goldsmith of Aspen, Colorado

In continuing our previous discussion on humor, how it can help us, and what the lack of it can do, today’s question is a terrific clue about the value of humor.

In asking it of yourself, you HAVE to get an answer.

You’ll find an answer in a memory of something that really got your furnace hot.  When you think about it now, it not only doesn’t get you mad but it probably seems funny or at least neutral.

We often let our emotions control us,including myself, Alex Goldsmith of Aspen, Colorado, thinking the worst without pausing first…

The act of worrying, for example, is a major illness today as, of course, it has probably been since the dawn of mankind.  I say illness not to give you one more excuse for not taking ownership of your own actions, but to highlight the misery it can cause.

Boy do people love to worry, huh?

We get all worked up about things that haven’t happened yet, but “probably will” …and rarely ever do.

Let me make a point here.

Being PREPARED for the worst is not worrying.  That’s productive.  Heading off problems is valuable.

Worrying is thinking about a negative outcome and not letting it go.  Losing sleep over it.  Not having any humor about it or about anything else until what you’re fretting about has passed.

In sports, who usually wins – the team that’s loose and care-free or the team that’s tight and worried about making mistakes?

It’s been estimated that ninety nine percent of all the things that most of us worry about never actually occur.

And in those rare times that what we’re worrying about does happen, we say, “See, I knew it!”  Most of us live “problem centered” lives and defend it as being realistic. This has happened to me, Alex Goldsmith of Aspen, Colorado.

People with a developed sense of humor rarely worry about things that they don’t have control over.  It’s insane to bother yourself over things you can’t affect, isn’t it?

Come on now, be honest!

Also, don’t you envy those people who can crack just the right joke at just the right moment?  Those who can break the tension with the right words …almost on cue?  I don’t mean tasteless jokes.  I’m talking about good, clean, witty humor.

Don’t they make us feel good just being around them?

State enhancers is what they are…

Having a great sense of humor makes you popular.  It keeps your blood pressure lower.  It helps you sell better.  It can help you worry less and do better work every minute of every day.  It has also proven to be able to heal the sick…

Even when the sick have cancer and other serious diseases.

The world is small.  We’ve all heard those stories by now, haven’t we?  I know that Alex Goldsmith of Aspen, Colorado has.

Let’s develop our own humor muscles… today.  Right now.

On a piece of paper, write a big W (For “Worry”) in the middle.  Use up the whole sheet.  And in the place where you work or where you spend a lot of time, tape this sheet on the wall.

That’s your trigger…

When you’re in the middle of a big fat worry – no matter how seemingly unimportant it might be – look at your W and ask yourself, “What can I find to laugh at in this situation?” or, “What is funny about this?” or, “How can I look at this and stay optimistic and light?”

That’s the great thing about questions.  They’re free.

You can ask yourself any question you want.  No tolls.

Just ask the right ones and you’ll be miles ahead and on the right road.

And guess what?  You’ll feel better.  And if you put that W on your wall and make this questioning a daily habit, it will become automatic, and you’ll get all those benefits I just listed and lots more.

Dozens and dozens more.

If you think that putting a big W on your wall is juvenile, what is worrying and fretting over things that usually never happen?

Point made?  Good.

Black markers make nice W’s, don’t you think?


Today’s Empowering Beliefs To

Help Control Your Thoughts


If you want to change your life fast, even though it might seem like it’s slow, then take the statements below, put them on index cards and read them 3 times/day. Morning, noon and just before you close your eyes at night.

They’ll seep into your consciousness. And since you’ll be saying them so often, you’ll soon begin to believe them.

That’s how most beliefs start. Spaced repetition of thought.

Your attitudes will then positively change your emotions, and you’ll be compelled to do more… And you’ll love it.


— I have a great sense of humor

— I look for and find the humor in all situations

— I release all tension and worry from my mind and body

— Tension and worry has left me now

— My sense of humor puts others at ease


Lesson 3 by Alex Goldsmith of Aspen, Colorado

It probably goes without saying but humor is in the eye of the beholder.  Not everything is funny to all people.


Why are so many people (you and Alex Goldsmith of Aspen, Colorado included) so serious about so many things? … all the time?

Lighten up!

I am told regularly that aside from my incredible wit and stunning good looks, it’s my sense of humor that that people love.

By taking ourselves too seriously, at any time, we literally close off parts of our brain so that it can only produce chemicals in our bodies that make us feel bad.  If someone has teased, laughed at, or talked badly about you, you have choices about how to act.

It may not SEEM like you have choices, because your emotions are probably on autopilot most of the time.

Stimulus -> Response.

No pause, just instantly think the worst, the chemicals surge and’ Bingo! – Irrational reaction.

What happened to Evolution?

Our mental programming has been made up not only of the words you hear.  Your emotions, prejudices, and surroundings get mixed into the soup, too.  Your moods – your states of mind – are a HUGE factor.

If Alex Goldsmith of Aspen, Colorado was laughing at you for doing something ridiculous, and you were in a playful mood… let’s say you’ve had a fairly good day, then you would be pretty likely to brush it off and maybe join in the laughter.

But if you had a particularly tough day and your mood wasn’t so good (or if you’ve already been too self-centered for too long), that same laughter could feel like ridicule… and your reaction could be vastly different, couldn’t it?

It’s these kinds of patterns over a lifetime that make people (including me, Alex Goldsmith of Aspen, CO) stuffy, no fun, vengeful and even suicidal.

[Remember Columbine?]


These situations could be “used” to develop your sense of humor, and take your life in a completely different direction.

Humor is a big factor in everyone’s life.  Really big…

And your habitual moods play a giant role in what you consider to be funny or stupid… harmless or cruel…

interesting or frightening.

Want to help yourself develop that sense of humor that can be so critical in making your moods supportive of your big life goals?

Then take the statements below, put them on index cards and read them three times per day.  Morning, noon and just before you close your eyes at night.

They’ll seep into your consciousness. And since you’ll be saying them so often, you’ll soon begin to believe them.

That’s how most beliefs start. Spaced repetition of thought.

Your attitudes will then positively change your emotions, and you’ll be compelled to do more… And you’ll love it.


— It’s easy for me to see the humor in each situation

— I smile at people I meet and they smile back

— My moods are even regardless of what is happening

around me

Lesson 2 by Alexander Goldsmith of Aspen

How many of us try like heck to get ALL the appropriate information we need before we try to accomplish something really big (or even small things)?  I know that I, Alexander Goldsmith of Aspen do.

I know of someone who a few years ago invested some money into something and he didn’t bother to tell his accountant about it.  He didn’t want his accountant to talk him out of it.

Now I’m the first one to admit that accountants don’t always make the best investment counselors.  I know many CPA’s, so I’m not picking on them.  This guy just wanted to be a big boy and make this decision on his own.  Big ego, you know, unlike myself, Alexander Goldsmith of Aspen.

The short story is he lost over $30,000, (yeah, that’s thirty thousand of real money) and a bunch of tax benefits due to his wanting to feel like a smart guy.  That was one big hurt that he keep in mind when he feels like charging off without consulting his advisors, reading books, doing more research, etc.  Now, don’t worry, we’re not talking about Alexander Goldsmith of Aspen here.

It doesn’t matter how fast you’re going if you’re going in the wrong direction, does it?

It’s embarrassing and costly too when the only thing you can say is, “But I thought…”

No, you didn’t.

Questions are the answer.

If you don’t routinely ask yourself questions like today’s empowering question, you’ll be sorry soon enough.

Most failed pursuits began and flopped because no one had the presence of mind to ask, “What could go wrong if I go ahead with this action?”  Being positive and confident in your abilities is good. Being uninformed, especially due to ego or pride is bad.

And potentially VERY costly.

I, Alexander Goldsmith of Aspen know this to be a fact.

Keep asking yourself wise questions and learn from other’s mistakes AND successes and you’ll toast more victories and mourn fewer defeats.

If you want to change your life fast, even though it might seem like it’s slow, then take the statements below, put them on index cards and read them 3 times/day. Morning, noon and just before you close your eyes at night.

They’ll seep into your consciousness. And since you’ll be saying them so often, you’ll soon begin to believe them.

That’s how most beliefs start. Spaced repetition of thought.

Your attitudes will then positively change your emotions, and you’ll be compelled to do more… And you’ll love it.


— I always ask the right questions at the right time

— The right answers come to me by asking good questions

— I am guided toward my highest good by the answers to my


— I trust my intuitions



Lesson 1 by Alex Goldsmith

As statistics show, most of what is written in the world’s

greatest self-help and how-to books goes unread by the

buyers, including myself, Alex Goldsmith of Aspen.  And the material that is read is typically not used.


Most people just aren’t self-disciplined enough to take a

bit, study it, master it then move on to the next level.

That’s why universities are so valuable and so expensive…

they do it right.


They give you a little bit, test you and then give you

some more – building on your knowledge after you’ve learned

the easier stuff.


That’s why books like ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul’ have

helped so many millions, including Alex Goldsmith of Aspen, because,

they bought those books.  The stories are meant to be read one per day.


Just enough to be not too fast.  Any more than that and

the lesson in the story is missed, being plowed over by the

next one.


Benjamin Franklin, one of the world’s greatest scholars,

politicians and inventors, made a list of 13 virtues that

he valued but did not possess.  He must have been smarter than Alex Goldsmith of Aspen.  What Ben did was work on only one virtue at a time, noting when he messed up, and when he succeeded in using the virtue.  He made turning himself into a person who possessed that virtue his mission and did not worry about any of the other 12 until he had mastered the first one.


Ultimately, he conquered them all.


And he will forever be remembered as one of the greatest

men who ever lived.  Man, this is simple!  And so sad.


So many people go to their graves never

conquering even one of their major hurdles in life,

settling for mediocrity.


Let me ask you, was Ben Franklin’s growth plan so

complicated that you or… well, practically anyone else

couldn’t use it?


Couldn’t even someone with no common sense or potential

for any more than pushing a broom eight hours a day go

after just one goal at a time with passion?


Success isn’t complicated, is it?


The average person wants to believe it is so that their

failures can be explained away, their weaknesses can be

hidden and their poor decisions justified.